Monday, July 24, 2006

Progress (Not Much, But Some)

I was looking back at the goals I stated earlier. One of them was to familiarize myself with Wordpress. I do now have a blog on Wordpress, Nina's Reading Blog. Every time I finish a book, I post a comment about it. I have a mix of adult and young adult books because Vicki, my daughter, and I are reading to each other a lot this summer. One thing I like about Wordpress is that I can categorize my posts. I have categories for fiction, nonfiction, young adult, and recommended for EFL/ESL readers. A post can be in more than one categoriy, which is useful. What I don't like is that I somehow managed to put duplicate links up on the blog, but I can't figure out how to delete some of them!

Six of the AGU students have now left comments on AGU in America. They arrive in 9 days! I am trying to post more frequently now, and tonight someone commented that reading the blog made her feel almost as if she were here already--which is exactly what my goal is!

I am also excited about being able to use Bubbleshare to place lots of photos on the AGU blog without using up too much space!

Monday, July 17, 2006

First attempt to create and post a photo show

I have been meaning to try out Bubbleshare ( for a long time. This morning, I finally registered for a free account and created a little slide show, or album, whatever you call it, of pictures of some of my former students. I am not actually sure exactly how to post it, but here goes my first attempt:

Oh my God--it worked! :-)

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I finally managed to add audio to my AGU in America blog. It wasn't easy! I had to call a number in California to record the message. I tried to use Skype to do this, but it didn't work (despite assurances from Blogger help staff that it would). I finally used my cell phone but was not pleased with the audio quality. Still, it's there! Check it out at

Four of the Japanese participants in AGU in America have left comments on the blog. Yesterday I sent them all two emails: one regular and one Springdoo, encouraging them to visit the blog an to leave comments.