Gearing Up for EVO 2010!
It was about four years ago that someone at the Maryland English Institute, where I work, suggested that participating in a free six-week session at the Electronic Village Online would constitute a worthwhile exercise in professional development. I checked out the offerings and was pretty intimidated, but eventually chose Becoming a Webhead as the best entry point for what would become a personal and professional obsession with free web tools. Since that seminal EVO session, where I first met Dafne Gonzalez, Teresa Almeida d'Eca, Moira Hunter, Dennis Oliver, Berta Leiva, Maru del Campo, and so many others who have become my friends, I have participated in EVO each year. What an incredible opportunity it is to explore new areas in our profession!
This year, I have signed on to assist Vance Stevens with Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments, together with Jennifer Verschoor and Dennis Oliver. I had been thinking of signing up for the session, but then decided that if I was going to take it, I might as well offer to help. I will be learning along with everyone else. I have already started reading the recommended book, Mark Pegrum's From Blogs to Bombs. The author has agreed to talk to the participants during synchronous sessions about the implications for EFL and ESL teachers and students of the emerging multiliterate reality. It should be really interesting, and it will be an honor to work with Webheads in Action co-founder Vance Stevens.
We are putting the finishing touches on our wiki, ning, and Yahoo!Group. Everything needs to be in order by December 1st.